Marin attempts to wipe out Vector's life points with Ragnafinity, but he manages to survive her attack, restoring his life points back to normal with Don Thousand's Throne, though she does manage to put a stop to his effect combo. Vector then reveals he had been drawing life from Nash, enraging Dumon who brings out Chaos Number 102: Archfiend Seraph, but his attack also fails to bring Vector's life points to zero. When Vector then activates a trap, Evil 1, which threatens to wipe both Dumon and Marin's life points, Dumon activates the trap Sacred Shield, which saves Marin and powers up her Ragnafinity, but at the same time results in his own defeat. Then, Dumon reverts to his human form and vanishes, as his soul is absorbed into Marin. Angered by Vector's actions, Marin attacks him with Ragnafinity. Meanwhile, Alito decides to face up against Girag to put an end to his brainwashing. Girag brings out Chaos Number 106: Giant Red Hand and Number 58: Burner Visor (which he equips to Giant Red Hand), which has Don Thousand's power, and deals a lot of damage to Alito.